Transformation through
of discipleship
The “DNA OF THE KINGDOM” Project seeks to promote transformation through discipleship rooted in the values of the Kingdom of God in Latin America.
Missionary: Nery Núñez
The Missionary Project “DNA OF THE KINGDOM” aims to promote transformation through discipleship in Latin America, focusing on rooting leaders and pastors in the teachings of Jesus and the values of the Kingdom of God. The urgent need for cultural transformation is recognized and the aim is to equip leaders of the new generations for deep discipleship as opposed to superficial indoctrination. The difference between discipleship, based on personal relationships and spiritual growth, and indoctrination, which only transmits doctrines without fostering critical understanding, is highlighted.
The project is based on formal research that supports the positive effect of discipleship on leaders rooted in Kingdom values. Additionally, biblical support for discipleship as a divine mandate is emphasized, citing Matthew 28:19-20. The need for transformation and authenticity is highlighted as the basis for the success of the project.
The project is divided into several phases, starting with the preparation and establishment in the United States and the Crosswalk Church. Next, a comprehensive discipleship plan is developed, alliances are established, and a pilot project is implemented in Latin America. Continued evaluation and adjustment are planned, followed by broader expansion and development, training of local facilitators and community impact projects.
The main missionary, Nery Núñez, invites leaders and pastors to join the project, highlighting its importance and the potential for transformation it has. Details are also shared about the activities involved in the project, such as discipleship, Bible study groups, training retreats, and community service projects.